My Shortest Blog EVER

Considering the purpose of this post is to let you know why I haven’t been writing, my title is ironic, and my post is long. Maybe I should only say this:

I haven’t heard God calling me to write anything lately.

But there’s a qualifier! On my walk today, I felt a nudge to share why I’m not writing. Also a few people totally made my day by asking if they had missed a post, so —

IMG_0136In short, I am in the middle of a resolute, joyful and expectant commitment to spending focused, listening prayer time with God every day for 40 days. It seems all my listening has included not so much writing. Makes sense, right?

During these short days my dog, Bandit passed away; my youngest child moved and began a real career (hear definitively empty nest); I began a “get healthy” regime; I discovered my “forgetful symptoms” are probably related to a B12 deficiency and how afraid I am of dementia — in other words, there will be a lot to write about soon!

But  in the midst of these typical circumstances, all of January I have felt called more to stillness. To rest. To learning to remain in Him throughout my day.

A PRAYER REQUEST! My Bible Study group begins this 40-day journey with me today! Will you pray that we would each grow more deeply in love with Him and dependent on Him. That we  surrender more fully and completely the sin that separates us from Him. That we won’t see our communication with God as a burden or a check mark on our long to do list, because indeed, it is our delight TO BE with Him! That we will have ears to hear and listen in intimate communion with Abba. And finally that He transforms us!

a few quiet time tools

Even better, would you join us? If so, let me know so I can pray for you also!

“The Lord your God is with you; the Mighty One will save you. He will rejoice over you. You will rest in His love; he will sing and be joyful about you.”  Zephaniah 3:17
Today I noticed in Zephaniah how passive our prayer is at times, if we will just BE FULLY with God. In this verse, it is God who is doing the saving, loving, rejoicing and singing. How glorious His rest is.
I am greatly encouraged by your comments and thoughts!  If you would like to get future posts by email, please let me know below. You can unsubscribe at any time. 



8 thoughts on “My Shortest Blog EVER

  1. So glad to see you with pen. Thanks as always for helping all of us on the Journey with your words and reflections.
    You may remember by last email describing my love for St Marks. That story began in a therapist chair. He had asked me if I had a favorite place…daaa. Then he covered my eyes, deep breaths, “Now, imagine you are stepping onto the boat, calm water morning, traveling out to the flats (etc. detailed descriptions). Now you arrive at your favorite fishing spot. Pause. Look up to heaven and ask Jesus to join you in the boat. As he stands before you tell him about all of your problems.
    Your mediation and study brings me this recall.
    God Bless YOU!

    1. Thank you Art. I do remember your description of St Marks. We share a love for the water around here! So glad you went back to being in the boat with Jesus! Blessings!

  2. Lou, Would like to join you in the 40 days, but not sure how to do it. If you want prayer requests, I can certainly do that, and I will pray for your Bible Study group.
    Love you, Mames

    1. Mames,
      Great talking to you! Let me know how it’s going. Wish you were closer and could be in our group!! Love ya!

  3. Totally understand where you’re coming from…..I journal many of my prayers, some of my “hearings”, prayer request, memory verses, etc. I misplaced my prayer journal for 4 days and felt lost . I just couldn’t bring myself to begin a new one, even while praying and trying to listen. I couldn’t write. He finally led me to it unexpectedly and I have as yet to figure out how it got there. I’m just happy it is back along with the desire to journal….love you and your posts….

    1. Teresa, I love journaling prayers, too — I have since teen years. So glad you found yours, or He showed you where it was!! Love you!

  4. I was beginning to get separation anxiety! I am glad to see that pen back in your hand. Enjoy your rest and I look forward to reading the overflow of your rest.

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